Thursday, September 26, 2013

Farm day

Today Ethan and I went to our dear friend, Jessica's parent's house for a farm day with several other moms and little ones. Ethan got to ride a horse with mommy and go on a hayride. He also played in the grass some. He was so tired when we got home he napped for a long time. Thank you David, Lisa and Jessica for hosting us.
riding the horse

mommy and Ethan on Alice the horse 

friends playing in the wagon

In the grass on the blanket

on the hay ride

the whole group...thank you David and Lisa 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Two Months

Ethan is two months old now. He has changed quite a bit recently which is fun.
Weight: 13.05 (last Friday)
Height: 23 inchesClothing: we are preparing for fall and trying to dress him more but our very warm natured baby normally just wears a onesie and maybe socks or just a diaper. He is mostly in 0-3 months but may be graduating to 3-6 soon.
He is very smiley and social. He doesn't stay still unless he's asleep and that's even questionable. He likes to play on his play mat and go on walks in the ergo or stroller. I tried capturing his smile but I normally get flailing arms or legs and a blur so I took a video instead. I am going to get a smile on camera soon.

after a bath

various attempts at catching a smile 
the best I got...sweet boy 

Monday, September 9, 2013

8 weeks

Ethan is 8 weeks and growing and changing very quickly. He started smiling at us two weeks ago and shows so much excitement for things these days. He also started cooing and babbling and has long conversations with himself or us. Ethan is on the move all the time. He rolled over last week. At night and nap times he will move around so much, he ends up on the side of the crib or in a completely different spot than where we put him down. His legs and arms are always going a mile a minute. He also discovered this weekend that he can suck on his hand or fist and makes a slobbery mess. He is such a joy and fun little guy.

Here is the video of him rolling over.  

playing on daddy's putting green

ready for the golf course

happy baby

playing with daddy 

Memorial service and family reunion

This past weekend (labor day) we flew to California to celebrate grandma's life and passing into glory and a little family time. Ethan did super well on all four flights and was a great baby during the time there. He got to see Tito and Tita again along with Peter, Betsy and all three cousins. He also got to meet aunt Karen (yay), great grandpa Wuerth (oldest and youngest members of the family, 94 years old and 7 weeks old) and several great aunts and uncles and second cousins. He just started being more alert and smiling for people and he showed off for everyone. For me it was a blessing to be there to remember and celebrate grandma. We laughed and cried and enjoyed each others company. There were so many highlights. Seeing my entire immediate family, aunts, uncles and cousins I don't see often enough. We are so blessed by family and this was a great time. Meeting my cousin Nate's fiancé Kim was special. She is awesome. We are sad we are missing their wedding this weekend on Martha's Vineyard. Seeing grandpa. He is 94 and so sweet and dear to me. I am so glad he got to meet Ethan.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.
family picture 

Grandpa, Aunt Vicku, Chris, Kristen, Liza and Ethan. Grandpa was holding Ethan, the youngest member of the family  
Rice/Johnson family with Grandpa

Family photo 

Ethan and Liza playing in the morning
blackmail pictures

Jonathan, my cousin scratched Ethan's head for like 20 minutes and he loved it. He was smiling and giggling and moving towards Jonathan for more 

sheer joy 

loving it, Jon thanks for holding him and I am so glad he met him before you move to India