Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Baby Shower, Virginia trip and 28 weeks!!

I am a little behind on posting so here goes...a long post with lots of pictures. We are now officially into the third trimester. I can't believe we have 12+/- weeks to go before our peanut arrives. Reality is setting in and we are starting to nest and get organized. 

The first weekend in April we had a baby shower with the play group from Chapel Hill and Johnson family friends. The men played golf while the ladies baby showered and then we all had dinner together. We had a greatime and were so blessed. 

I didn't take any pictures athe shower but here are some before. 

Delicious Cake.

26 weeks with Chris

With Laurie and Rebecca

the beautiful handmade blanket Rose made us (Rose works at UNC Hospital and has known the Johnson's since Chris was 2)
 This past weekend, Chris wento the beach with his dad and brother Ben for a fishing weekend and to watch the Masters. I decided this was a great weekend to drive up to Virginia and see Peter, Betsy, Sam and Marina and baby girl Rice #3 (in utero) prior to travel limitations and new babies arriving. So while Chris headed east, I headed north. I goto Virginia late Friday night only to be surprised by Karen opening the door. They surprised me and she flew in for the weekend and to pick up a car. We spent a lot of time outside, wento the park, walked, wento the zoo, spent a couple hours sitting around talking and laughing and just enjoying each other's company. We enjoyed the lastwo weekends and are excited to get some home projects done this weekend: the babies room and garage clean up to build our home gym. Some pictures from the zoo. I am going to have to get better pictures going forward.   
Sam and Karen athe zoo

Sam and I athe zoo

It was packed so Sam on shoulders worked well!

Seeing the lions!

Peter, Sam and Karen