Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ethan William Johnson

Ethan William Johnson was born on Friday July 12th at 10:07 am. He weighed 8 pounds 3 oz and 20 inches long. 

We had quite the week leading up to Friday and an even more exciting labor and delivery. After our due date coming and going we decided it was important for mental sanity for me to keep working a couple hours every day last week. On Thursday I went to work and left after half a day. After work I came home and then went for a walk with Jessica for an hour. We ended up speed walking at the end of the walk to keep her baby awake. I headed home and we ate dinner and went for another walk. We talked with my parents and watched a couple episodes of Everyone Loves Raymond. Nothing really was happening other than the usual random contractions so we went to bed. About an hour later with sleep not happening and more contractions I got up and moved into the living room hoping that Chris would sleep and I could figure out if this is the real deal or another agonizing bout of Braxton Hicks. At about 2:30 am I decided this was real and set my out of office for work to maternity leave and emailed some coworkers to let them know I would not be back on Friday.

Being slightly stubborn, I still didn't want to wake Chris up because one of us needed to sleep. Finally at 4:30 with contractions 5 minutes apart, I wanted a hot shower and woke Chris up. I told him I thought I was in labor (no duh) and wanted a hot shower. He was going to sleep longer and then get up when I got out. For about 15 minutes in the shower I had contractions 3 minutes apart. When I got out Chris suggested calling the midwife so I did and she suggested coming into the hospital to see where we were but to take our time. We got to the hospital about 6 and the receptionist asked if I was there for an induction and then saw me double over with a contractions and decided I was in labor. After what seemed like an eternity they got us into triage. Much to our surprise they told us that we were 9 centimeters and 100% effaced. We were heading straight to labor and delivery and not going to the car to get our stuff. Baby was coming and fast.

After 3 and a half hours at the hospital and 2 hours of pushing Ethan was born. The 3 hours were quite eventful and involved lots of painful contractions. I screamed repeatedly and told Chris and anyone that would listen that we were never doing this again and to get the baby out now and I didn't care how. I told him I hate this and squeezed his hand almost off. Thankfully anything said in that room can't be held against you later on. We enjoyed marveling over our sweet boy and called our parents. Chris told both sets of grandparents that we probably should have gone to the hospital earlier but oh well. 

We are now home enjoying all the new adventures with a newborn including lots of interrupted sleep. We are also enjoying having tito and tita from Costa Rica for a couple days. Below are some pictures. also visit use password ethanwilliam to view the pictures.  


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