The night we got home our friends and mentors, Jason and Jennifer came over. We are excited for there new baby Paige and are thankful for all their support and encouragement.
Tito, Tita, Peter, Betsy, Sam, Marina and Liza all came for a visit. It was sweet to watch my brother hold his first nephew on our side. I've enjoyed being a part of their kid's lives and hoping that Ethan enjoys his cousins and aunt and uncle. We are all excited that he and Liza are two months apart and can be buddies. Ethan will probably also enjoy tagging along with Sam.
with tito |
with tita |
Peter, Betsy and four kids |
Cousin Marina holding Ethan |
The two youngest: Liza and Ethan |
All four kids |
tito and tita with the four grandkids |
Pictures of some of our other visitors below. I am trying to be better at taking pictures.
Marella with Ethan |
Suzie, one of my coworkers with Ethan |
JP and Kaitlin and soon baby Beth |