Weight: 18 pounds 11.5 ounces (69th percentile)
Height: 27.75 inches (88th percentile - he is tall)
Head circumference: 43.4 (52nd percentile)
Clothes: he mostly wears 6 months and 6 to 9 month clothes.
Diapers: size 3 diapers, after a couple week hiatus with a diaper rash, traveling and cold we are back to cloth diapers during the day except for naps and nighttime sleep.
Naps: these are still a work in progress but we aim for 2 naps a day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Night sleep: He goes to sleep around 9 and wakes up around 7 - 8 and what happens in between is still a mystery to us. Some nights he sleeps through, some nights he wakes up once, some nights he wakes up twice.
Eating: We introduced solids last week. So far he has tried rice cereal and bananas. He is not a fan of rice cereal and seems to really like the bananas. He still would prefer nursing over either of the other options but is getting there. Next we are going to try some sweet potato.