Well as I promised, I wanted to tell more about my experience in New Orleans. Yes I wast there for work and I learned a lot there but really I learned so much more. As I walked down Bourbon Street at night to see what it was all about and as I experience New Orleans for the first time, my heart broke. I have heard of God breaking your heart for what breaks His and this happened. As I watched a city in ruin, a girl standing outside a bar in lingerie trying to make the wages she needed to live and as I saw the destruction within so many, my heart broke. As the last few days have gone by in a frenzy of two back to back trips, landing Wednesday night, back to work for two days to prep for round two, laundry, spending time with Chris and heading back out, this image has not left me. I am committing to praying for the city of New Orleans but more importantly I am praying, "Lord break my heart for what breaks yours." I have no idea what this means but I want to experience my God more and more every day and want those around me to see these things too!
Also to add to the excitement of being back in NC for the next few weeks, we went to our house on Saturday. What a treat to walk in to our first house as a couple. I got giddy as I thought about decorating and getting it all Johnson-fied, having family and friend over and all the adventures that are to come in the months to come. The first adventure will be getting our apartment packed, cleaned and moved again. I also think staying in a house for a while sounds like a great plan! So here they are pictures of our next home!

Welcome to Johnson Home 3.0!

This is a view from the back of the house towards the kitchen/dinning room.

This is from the kitchen towards the back of the living room.

I am a little excited about the kitchen. Lots of space and cabinets and room for all my kitchen endeavors!


Guest Bedroom.


Guest room bathroom

Go Tar Heels!

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom.
We hope you enjoyed the tour and come see us after the first week of April!