It seems like the last few days and weeks have been filled with God's many blessings. As I have looked for future opportunities for work, I have stated that I trust God but many times I want to control the outcome myself. A couple weeks ago I found out that yet again a door had been closed and I hit a rock wall...I knew nothing and knew I had to let go. Then came the blessings:
1. the first blessing was the following Sunday in the form of a sermon by Chris Lewis at Westover. It made me realize that God deserved all the glory and it wasn't about me among other things.
2. the following Sunday was blessing number two. When Don Miller preached on not hearing God's thunder or anything from God and wondering why our prayers weren't answered. I sat in two services in a row tears streaming down my face knowing that God was speaking to me. As Don asked the first question from king David God my God why have you forsaken me, I was fully aware that he was speaking to me. I heard a pastor quote my exact words to God from days earlier and to Chris so many days since then. If you don't go to Westover or even if you do I recommend listening to these two sermons. You can find them at The sermon titles were: The Storm of Glory and Where is the Thunder Now.
3. This weekend was blessing number three. I have seen God take care of me and my family numerous times but never have I seen it so clearly as I did yesterday. I went to the gym in the morning with Chris, then to the bank, then to the store for weekly shopping, then back home to drop everything off, then to the farmers market with friends, then to Target and finally to Harris Teeter to get their salad bar for lunch. When I pulled into the parking lot and parked I heard and felt something drop below my car. I was hungry and thought it was my imagination. I got back in my car to go home and started to back up to the awful sound coming from underneath the car so I pulled forward and decided to look at it again. In the rain I walked around and found nothing. I called Chris but he was at the movies. I then called AAA and they sent a tow truck. I went and ate my salad and some Feeney's for some comfort and called my dear friend Kaitlin. She calmed me down and prayed for me. Nothing had me prepared for what my tow truck friend had to say. At the very moment when I parked the right front Axle on my car broke. As soon as I pulled the car forward onto the tow truck it collapsed. Had this happened on the road or interstate, I could have been killed or in serious trouble, my car would have been destroyed. He told me repeatedly that God took care of me and protected me today. I was in shock. He told me to sit in the truck and he would get it all hooked up to take it to get fixed. As I got in, I knew God was there, two Bible's lay on the front seat. Once we decided where to take the car, I talked with my new friend and found out he does a tow truck business as a ministry to help people and bless them. That was awesome. My car is now being fixed and I am safe and sound!!
God is so faithful and it is so true He proves himself over and over and over again.